
Showing posts from January, 2024

Life On Earth || Blog No:10

  FINANCE AND INCENTIVIZE SUSTAINABLE FOREST MANAGEMENT   Mobilize significant resources from all sources and at all levels to finance sustainable forest management and provide adequate incentives to developing countries to advance such management, including for conservation and reforestation. Forests provide oxygen, clean water, and a variety of other essential services. But responsibly and sustainably managing them requires financing. UN SDG 15.B aims to finance and incentivize sustainable forest management. This includes providing financial resources to support sustainable forest management practices, as well as creating incentives for businesses and individuals to engage in sustainable forest management. Important lessons learned from the development of payments for environmental  services. • Finding willing buyers is almost always the most important step in developing payments for environmental services. • Credible and reliable governance and institutiona...

Life On Land || Blog No:09

  COMBAT GLOBAL POACHING AND TRAFFICKING Enhance global support for efforts to combat poaching and trafficking of protected species, including by increasing the capacity of local communities to pursue sustainable livelihood opportunities. By destroying millions of animals each year, poaching and animal trafficking threaten wildlife in a profound way. UN SDG 15.C aims to combat global poaching and trafficking. This includes taking action to reduce demand for illegal wildlife products, as well as strengthening law enforcement efforts to crack down on poaching and trafficking. FUTURE  WORK: The UNDP biodiversity and ecosystems portfolio is the largest in the UN system, covering over 130 countries and 500 projects with USD 1.5 billion in funding and USD 3.5 billion of co-financing. Through the biodiversity and ecosystems programs, UNDP has helped establish over 2,000 protected areas in 85. countries around the world, covering 272 million hectares of land. We will b...